
One of my favorite things to do as kid was to ride on The Flying Horses, an antique carousel in Oak Bluffs. Each time the carousel makes a full rotation the riders reach out and grab a ring from the ring arm. The last ring retrieved is the brass ring. Some riders are focused and can grab muliple rings in a single pass. Some remember to go for it at the last second and snatch up a single ring. Other kids get caught up in the ride and forget to reach. It struck me recently that for many students the journey from high school to undgraduate studies is very similar. Some kids have support while others face barriers. My hope is that this blog will become a compilation of links, tools, experiments, and success stories to help every young person in their quest to catch The Brass Ring that is a post-secondary degree.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Google Docs

I know it's been a while, but school is in session and I've been focused on our program blog and new Facebook page.

The opportunity to present at several professional development days has given me cause to investigate the many amazing resources available on Google Docs. I've previously only used it for spreadsheets. Today I've discovered how amazing Google Forms and Google Presentations can be in my work. I love that I can get a big document or presentation into a link without having any actual programming ability or a professionally managed website.  The sharing options keep the privacy curtain up when necessary and broadcast as far as the internet can imagine with the simple click of a box.  Currently I have a private excel spreadsheet of my senior class (documenting their progress on applications, testing, etc.) that I share with my colleagues, a board meeting minutes warehouse available to our membership, and my MASFAA PowerPoint available for anyone that cares (very few I'm sure).  I can't think of a profession that can't make good use of these technologies and you can't beat the price!

As an example I've included a link to a quick presentation I am giving later this week at the Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) Conference. It's wonderful that I can give a presentation and simply refer people to the blog to get a copy of it rather than working with the conference committee to send it out via email to workshop participants. It's also a great data backup (yes I did pull two thumb drives out of the dryer this weekend)! The Google Docs YouTube page is a great resource for all of the features a free Google account can offer. Get out there and mess around with these tools, no points are deducted for trial and error. The more we learn the more effective we are and the more likely we are to enthusiastically pass these skills on to our colleagues and students.

MASFAA PowerPoint